
About DKC & Christine Ammann
My Story
“Have a Chamomile tea” my mother would say when I complained of stomach aches as a child, then she would gently touch my belly button and my forehead for a while until the pains would subside. Little did she or I know that she actually used some acupressure points to help my condition. All we knew was that it worked!
Growing up in Germany meant growing up with herbs and complementary medicines. After losing my mum at the age of 22 I was inspired even more to nurture my own physical and mental wellbeing.
Migrating to Australia and having children of my own led me to discover kinesiology while I was searching desperately for an explanation for their health concerns. Both children suffered from allergies, digestive problems and severe headaches, with no apparent physical cause. After only a few kinesiology treatments their headaches and stomach pains disappeared, the allergies became more manageable, and their behaviour, reading and writing ability improved!
Intrigued by this profound success on my own family I began studying it myself in 1998 and haven’t stopped studying since. Studying many different Kinesiology and other health modalities in Australia and Europe gave me a great understanding and respect for the exponential healing power of these fabulous holistic and complementary medicines.
After more then two decades providing private consultations in this field, I am still extremely passionate of the unique combination of Kinesiology, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Bowen and Craniosacral Therapy, as I have seen them improve so many lives!
Over the years I have presented kinesiology talks and training programs at the RAH and various other hospitals and health organizations.
Repeated requests from my clients and students to teach the way I work in clinic has lead me to develop my own ‘Dynamic Kinesiology’ Practitioner Training Program as well as a book and audio CD ‘Stress Less with Ezi KinesiTM' (please contact me for details).
Apart from offering private consultations I share my passion, knowledge and clinical experience by presenting Dynamic Kinesiology Practitioner Courses to the public. Please explore the ‘Kinesiology Training’ page for more detailed information.

Learning difficulties
Muscle and joint pain
Stress management
Behavioural issues
Diploma in Kinesiology
Advanced Diploma in Bowen
Cert IV Workplace
Training & Assessment
Registered Kinesiology Specialist Practitioner
(Level 6)
Registered Bowen Therapist
Registered Kinesiology Instructor
NLP Practitioner
Acupressure for Dig & IMS
Anatomy & Physiology of the Brain
Australian Bush Flower Essences
BAP - Body Alignment Proprioception
BI / LEAF - Brain Integration (1-4)
Bowen - Fascial Kinetics, Smart Bowen
Bowen - Smart Bowen Lymphatic Drainage
BOL - Basics of Life
Bush Flower Essences
7 Chi Keys - Chakra Balancing
Craniosacral Therapy
CK - Counselling Kinesiology
DK - Dynamic Kinesiology
Energy Centers
Foot Reflexology
Hexagram of Balance
HFK - Herbs for Kinesiologists
INC - Integrative Neurocardiology
IP - Integrative Physiology - 5 Pillars
MSTR - Scar Tissue Release
NEPS - Neuro Emotional Pathways
NLK - Neuro-Linguistic Kinesiology
NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming
NOT - Neuro-Organizational Technique
Primitive & Postural Reflexes
RMT - Rhythmic Movement Techniques
SIPS - Stress Indicator Point System
Tibetan Figure 8